You can help Jesuit Mission to walk beside our most marginalised brothers and sisters.

Take action and help empower women, men and children living in the margins to live full and free lives.

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Ways to Fundraise

Do Your Own Thing

You could host a dinner, create your own personal challenge to conquer or ask friends to donate in lieu of a gift for your special day. Ask your friends, family or workmates to sponsor your efforts and help others transform their lives. 

In Memory

Remembering your loved ones with an in memoriam gift is a touching and generous gesture. This kind gift ensures that their memory will live on, at the same time uplifting those living in poverty and injustice. Create your special fundraising page and invite family and friends to contribute in their honour.

At School

You can get involved in One Foot Raised in July.

Click here to learn more.

As we celebrate 70 years of Jesuit Mission, we would like to express our utmost gratitude to all our loyal supporters. Your generosity has transformed the lives of vulnerable communities overseas since 1951.