The Event

 What is One Foot Raised? 
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One Foot Raised is a virtual fundraising event, and can work for all fitness levels and ages as it's flexible for you to choose your own challenge! Do it with your school, your parish or community group or as an individual to raise money for people who are living in the margins, suffering the indignity of poverty and injustice.

 How much does it cost to sign up? 
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It’s FREE! Simply register here to Blaze your own trail.

 When is One Foot Raised? 
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If you're signing up with your school, they will let you know when your One Foot Raised event will be held.

Individuals and community groups can sign up to participate at a time that best works for you.

 Where is One Foot Raised? 
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One Foot Raised is a vitual challenge so you can take part anywhere.

Schools may let students know where they will participate.

Individuals and community groups can participate wherever you like - your local area, parks, at your gym or even at home!

 Are there any rewards? 
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Every participant will receive badges on their online fundraising page when milestones are completed; such as when you get your first donation or share your page online.



 Where do the funds I raise go? 
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You will be raising funds for Jesuit Mission, which will be used to support the programs run by our Jesuit partners overseas.

Our programs break cycles of poverty through teaching and education, protect the well-being of communities by providing medical care and programs that improve access to clean water and toilets, develop independent, strong communities through livelihood training and income-generating projects, and provide vulnerable individuals with pastoral care, social inclusion and advocacy.

 How do I raise funds? 
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Our top fundraising tip is to ask your family and friends to support you. The best ways to fundraise are to:

  • Send emails to friends and family
  • Share your fundraising page on social media

You've got this!

 Can I collect cash donations? 
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If you'd like to organise a fundraiser that involves collecting cash donations, please contact our team on support@jesuitmission.org.au.

 Do I have to fundraise? 
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Yes please – every dollar you raise will go to Jesuit Mission to help fund our programs to empower people living in poverty overseas. 

 Are donations tax deductible? 
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Yes, all donations made to this event are tax deductible and the donor will receive an automated email with a tax deductible receipt as soon as they make their donation.

 I have never fundraised before, what support can I expect? 
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Don't worry, fundraising can be fun & rewarding. We will support you with 'cut & paste' email templates and toolkits to share with your friends and family.